Sunday 6 May 2012


#4 Go to Cape Horn in South America
OK, I'll admit it, I got this off of Knight and Day.... But still, wouldn't that be cool? It is the most southern part of South America, any farther and you end up in Antarctica!  Don't really know what I'd do there, go sailing I suppose, maybe stand in the lighthouse??? I dunno, but it would be cool, if someone was to ask, hey where's the coolest place you've ever been???? And then I could be like, Oh ya know, just down to Cape Horn, the most south part of South America...
It would be legit.

Saturday 5 May 2012


#3 Go to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
I'm only half American, and I live in Canada, but I want to go to Arlington. So many amazing heroes are buried there, I want to stand among them. I want to look over the rows of graves of people who died in the service of their country. Of my country. I feel that if I go there, I'll gain a greater appreciation of all those fighting or have fought for something deeper than this material world we live in, for freedom, equality, liberty and peace.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


#2 Be in a Flash Mob.
Yep. That's right, one of my dreams is to be in a flashmob, that statement right there says more about me than I'd ever disclose on the internet... But oh well, it's out there. I would love to randomly burst out singing and dancing in a public place with a bunch of strangers watching. It would be so fun! Personally I'm thinking a Blackeyed Peas song would be epic, or maybe a song from a well known movie??? I'm not sure... But if you are ever, and I mean EVER going to be doing a flashmob, just comment where and when and I'll be there!

Friday 30 March 2012


#1 Drive along the Amalfi Coast in Italy.
Well basically I just want to go to Italy, I love the whole idea of Italy, the culture and history, the fashion of Milan, the food, the beaches, the people, the architecture, and the landscape. My plan is that when I graduate from High School, before going to University, I'll spend my summer in Italy, just soaking it in.... :)
This is my Bucket List! I will post at least one item per week, and you can hold me to that. These are my dreams, all the stuff I want to do someday! And hey, if you can help me achieve some of the goals that would be great! <3 Emma!